This is a pared down archive of the BlinkenBone project's panelsim distribution.
It includes only the panelsim java program, the launcher scripts for the various panels it provides, and the realcons simh binaries. This is for ease of use when using the panel on a
machine remote from the one running simh, and a smaller archive. For documentation, the complete distributions, and systems to run on simh see RETROCMP
and GitHub/j-hoppe.
This contains panels and simh binaries for:
- PDP 8i
- PDP 10: KI-10
- PDP 11/20
- PDP 11/40
- PDP 11/70
- PDP 15
Download: (The simh binaries are linux x64, but the panelsim java program should run on any os/architecture.)
panelsim_linux64.tar.gz (166MB) MD5: 2185fea25dd9cd9b790f05dda086e81e